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Coke could help save oceans from plastic — by keeping its promise

Last February, Coca-Cola, one of the world’s largest plastic polluters, announced a new global goal. It said that 25 percent of all of its products would be sold in reusable and refillable packaging by 2030.

That commitment, if met, could keep billions of single-use plastic bottles from polluting the world’s waterways and oceans while also reducing the company’s carbon footprint. At a time when Coca-Cola’s sponsorship of the upcoming COP27 climate change conference has drawn criticism from environmental activists, working towards making this important promise a reality could help the company show that it means what it says.

Our oceans need Coca-Cola to achieve its goal and with the help of its bottlers to significantly grow the use of refillables around the world. Meeting this promise will help ensure that billions of plastic bottles don’t pollute and devastate our seas for many years to come.

We could all drink to that.

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